Welcome to the Board of Zoning Appeals! Our monthly meetings are held on the third Thursday at 6:30 pm unless there is no new business on the schedule. In that case, the meeting may be canceled.
If you need additional information or access to Minutes not listed on our website, please don’t hesitate to contact the Administration Office. We’re happy to assist you in any way we can. Thank you for choosing the Board of Zoning Appeals.
- Robert Beckwith, term expires 12-31-2025
- David Smith, term expires 12-31-2026
- Gregg Winsemann, term expires 12-31-2027
- Nick Wohlfarth, term expires 12-31-2028
- Scott Taylor, term expires 12-31-2029
NOTICE: Alternate board member positions are available for the Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. Meetings vary from twice a month to as needed. You will be making decisions that affect all of Swancreek Township. Please email: office.mail2@swancreektwp.org or send a letter of interest to 5565 Co. Rd D, Delta, OH 43515.